girl Neuroptimal training

Advanced BESPOKE Brain Training Solutions

Whether you choose to train with us or rent a system we guide you through the process with unlimited sessions and offer a personalised training experience with NeurOptimal®, the World’s only dynamic neurofeedback brain-training system designed for both professional & home use. We offer a range of competitive packages to suit your goal and budget. If you’re unsure what your requirements are, our psychologists will assess your needs and guide you.

We have supported private and governmental organisations including the NHS, the Prison Service and Mental Health Hospitals to implement biofeedback interventions.

All our packages includes unlimited  sessions which can be delivered to unlimited users

Fees depend on a number of factors including location and type of package and equipment.

man training
neuroptimal certified

Train at the clinic
Personalised BRAIN training with a NeurOptimal®  CERTIFIED PRACTITIONER

You can benefit from individual training sessions delivered by  an advanced certified trainer who will guide you through the training process. We provide personalised individual training sessions that meet your needs. Rental is the most cost-effective package.

By appointment in London or Hitchin Hertfordshire or Hampshire

neurofeedback at home

Neurofeedback at Home

Due to high demand, if picking up a rental machine, it must be reserved in advance

Rent a NeurOptimal® PROFESSIONAL system

with unlimited sessions

We offer rental options to suit your goal and budget. 

  • Unlimited sessions
  • Use it in the comfort of your home
  • Multiple members of the household can use our system
  • Train in your own time
  • Experienced Psychologists to guide you through the training process

User friendly NeurOptimal system and all the expertise built in it and you can train in the comfort of your home and in your own time.

Recommended foR: Individuals with time commitments or wishing to achieve goals more quickly


bioregulation therapy (BRT)

Rent our Neurofeedback + Bioregulation Therapy (BRT)Combo

Neurofeedback & BRT at Home

  • Unlimited sessions
  • Use them with multiple members of the household when in your own time
  • Experienced qualified advanced trainer to guide you through the training process
neurofeedback system
business package<br />
business package

Business Packages

Neurofeedback and BRT in your organisation for your staff & clients and for practitioners.

We have helped many organisations to embed Neurofeedback interventions into their service. We offer bespoke cost effective packages that meet your organisational needs. 

  • We come to your organisation and prepare your service to introduce these innovative interventions
  • Bespoke brain training packages to meet your needs. These include: access to an experienced qualified psychologist to provide training in both the theory and use of the technology; consultation, service evaluation;  research, referral criteria
  • Online support
  • Rentals & sales of various biofeedback devices.

71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden