Everyone can benefit from NeurOptimal® training

We have used neurofeedback extensively and helped organisations, children and individuals of all ages and developmental abilities to achieve wellness. We have bespoke cost effective packages that meet your needs. You can come to us for individual sessions and train with our Neurofeedback practitioner, or you can train in the comfort of your home.
Who can benefit by training with NeurOptimal®?
Neurofeedback is an ideal evidence-based intervention for individuals who don’t want to take medications and for those who have not resolved their issues with other interventions. Everyone can benefit from dynamical neurofeedback, and it is as popular with those seeking peak performance and mental well-being. Neurofeedback is used by veterans and individuals suffering from trauma. It can help children who have difficulty focusing or concentrating, particularly in a school setting. Neurofeedback can help with trauma related issues and/or issues that are physiological in nature and with a variety of mental, emotional, and physiological disorders as these have in common a dysregulated brain. It is used with developmental delays including Autism, ADD/ADHD as well as for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), sleep disorders, headaches, traumatic brain Injury. Results include greater cognitive performance, restful sleep, improved learning and focus, reduced anxiety, greater resilience and peak performance.


Neurofeedback sessions are pleasant experiences. The brain does all the work, and no conscious effort is required on the individual’s part to concentrate or focus. Sessions usually take place 2-3 times per week for 2 to 3 months, but you can also train 5 times a week or more. Research shows that 50% of clients demonstrate improvement just after a couple of sessions. Some clients have reported changes after 20 to 30 sessions. In 20 neurofeedback sessions, with feedback every half second, you have 72,000 chances to learn. Brain science has shown that repetitive exercise of brain networks results in brain change. As a result, the brain becomes more stable and as its flexibility and resilience improves, problems and issues begin to fade away.
…..Just Relax and let your brain do the work
- You are seated in a reclining chair in a quiet place facing a monitor.
- Two small sensors are attached on the top of your head and three on your ears with conductive. No frequency is introduced to the brain through the sensors. The sensors are connected to an advanced neuro-technology. The conductive paste helps to read the brain waves frequencies and keeps the sensors attached to your scalp.
- During sessions lasting 33 minutes each, you listen to relaxing music with earbuds. You have the option to watch calming images, or you can just relax and close your eyes.
- During a session information about your brain is collected (that’s the neuro- part) and then is fed back to your brain by brief pauses in sound. That’s the feedback part.

How long do I need to train for?

Tel: 01438 900804
71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden