Civil Proceeding

We provide medico-legal reports for a wide range of civil proceedings. Our experts have experience of Personal Injury cases, accidents leading to PTSD and in writing reports for the associated agencies.

We complete Independent medical examinations (IME).  Our experts can make a diagnosis of any Mental Health condition and recommendations for treatment for USA and UK insurance companies. Our IME experts perform full Mental Status Examination (MSE) using a diagnostic hypothesis that meets the DSM 5 diagnostic criteria (formally Axis I, II and III) and provide specific information regarding psychosocial and contextual factors (formerly Axis IV). The IME aims at establishing whether the individual is mentally, cognitively and/or behaviourally impaired as a result of having suffered a personal injury. If work activity restrictions are medically required, we are able to evidence why these are necessary.

We accept instructions for personal injury cases including the following:

  • Independent medical examination (IME)
  • Mental Status Examination (MSE)
  • PTSD assessment associated with road traffic accidents
  • Assessment of Psychological injuries related to road traffic injuries
  • Neuropsychological Assessments
  • Travel Anxiety and Depression
  • IQ , memory and mental capacity
  • EQi: 2:0 Work place (Emotional Intelligence Assessment)
  • Psychological factors relating to work place bullying and harassment

We work within rates of the Legal Services Commission. If you would like a quotation for an assessment, please email

71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden